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About Otso

The Full Story

From a young age (of 8!), I started learning the old ways of a witchdoctor from my family.  Throughout my young life, I practiced giving services as a psychic, healer, and witch to those in need and who have searched me out.  This was part-time and secret until recently.  At the beginning of the pandemic, I decided to follow the family lineage and take over my grandmother's witchdoctor practice.  While helping people around the world, I realized that my private practice didn't need to be so hidden, nor did it need to be private.  So I opened the Otso Salon.


Otso Salon is a revolutionary concierge service that provides access to top-tier psychics, witches, and healers from around the world. The company's inspiration came from the need to break down the barriers that have traditionally surrounded these mystical and esoteric practices, making them accessible to anyone who seeks their services.


In the past, these types of services have been considered taboo and provocative - something that needs to be hidden from public view. But Otso Salon recognizes that there are a growing number of people who are searching for ways to improve their lives and connect with their spiritual essence. By offering access to top-notch practitioners who are talented in the mystical arts, Otso Salon is empowering people to take control of their own well-being and spiritual growth.


At Otso Salon, our mission is to help people connect with their inner selves and overcome the challenges they face in their daily lives. Our team of psychics, witches, and healers are all carefully selected for their expertise, professionalism, and dedication to helping others. Whether you need guidance in your career, love life or personal relationships, or you want to unlock the secrets of the universe and find your place in it, Otso Salon is here to help.


We believe that everyone deserves to live their best life, and that includes access to the mystical and esoteric practices that can help us achieve our goals and dreams. At Otso Salon, we are proud to be leading the way in bringing these services out of the shadows and into the mainstream, so that anyone can benefit from the wisdom and insight of our talented practitioners.

Cancelation and Refund Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please contact us 24 hours prior to appointment.
Appointments which are missed or cancelled after 24 hour notice are not eligible for rebooking or cancelation under any circumstances.  

We understand that life can sometimes happen.  We do not offer refunds, but if you need to cancel and reschedule your appointment, you can notify us with 24 hour notice and you will be given a eGift Card in the amount purchased, and you will be able to use this card yourself or give it to someone else to be redeemed within 6 months.

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